
The purpose of this page is to collate a series of checklists for commonly performed changes to the source code of Documenter.

In each case, copy the checklist into the description of the pull request.

Making a release

In preparation for a release, use the following checklist. These steps should be performed on a branch with an open pull request, either for a topic branch, or for a new branch release-1.y.z ("Release version 1.y.z") if multiple changes have accumulated on the master branch since the last release.

## Pre-release

 - [ ] Change the version number in `Project.toml`
   * If the release is breaking, increment MAJOR
   * If the release adds a new user-visible feature, increment MINOR
   * Otherwise (bug-fixes, documentation improvements), increment PATCH
 - [ ] Update ``, following the existing style (in particular, make sure that the change log for this version has the correct version number and date).
 - [ ] Run `make changelog`, to make sure that all the issue references in `` are up to date.
 - [ ] Check that the commit messages in this PR do not contain `[ci skip]`
 - [ ] Run [regression-tests workflow]( using a `workflow_dispatch` trigger to check for any changes that broke extensions: <link-to-workflow-run-here>

## The release

 - [ ] After merging the pull request, tag the release. There are two options for this:

   1. [Comment `[at]JuliaRegistrator register` on the GitHub commit.](
   2. Use [JuliaHub's package registration feature]( to trigger the registration.

   Either of those should automatically publish a new version to the Julia registry.
 - Once registered, the `TagBot.yml` workflow should create a tag, and rebuild the documentation for this tag.
 - These steps can take quite a bit of time (1 hour or more), so don't be surprised if the new documentation takes a while to appear.