

Sometimes the best way to learn how to use a new package is to look for examples of what others have already built with it.

The following packages use Documenter to build their documentation and so should give a good overview of what this package is currently able to do.


Packages are listed alphabetically. If you have a package that uses Documenter then please open a PR that adds it to the appropriate list below; a simple way to do so is to navigate to https://github.com/JuliaDocs/Documenter.jl/edit/master/docs/src/man/examples.md.

The make.jl file for all listed packages will be tested to check for potential regressions prior to tagging new Documenter releases whenever possible.


Packages that have tagged versions available in METADATA.jl.

Documentation repositories

Some projects or organizations maintain dedicated documentation repositories that are separate from specific packages.


Packages that are not available in METADATA.jl and may be works-in-progress. Please do take that into consideration when browsing this list.