Other Output Formats

Other Output Formats

In addition to the default native HTML output, plugin packages enable Documenter to generate output in other formats. Once the corresponding package is loaded, the output format can be specified using the format option in makedocs.

Markdown & MkDocs

Markdown output requires the DocumenterMarkdown package to be available and loaded. For Travis setups, add the package to the docs/Project.toml environment as a dependency. You also need to import the package in make.jl:

using DocumenterMarkdown

When DocumenterMarkdown is loaded, you can specify format = :markdown in makedocs. Documenter will then output a set of Markdown files to the build directory that can then further be processed with MkDocs into HTML pages.

MkDocs, of course, is not the only option you have โ€“ any markdown to HTML converter should work fine with some amount of setting up.


Markdown output used to be the default option (i.e. when leaving the format option unspecified). The default now is the HTML output.

The MkDocs mkdocs.yml file

A MkDocs build is controlled by the mkdocs.yml configuration file. Add the file with the following content to the docs/ directory:

site_name:        PACKAGE_NAME.jl
repo_url:         https://github.com/USER_NAME/PACKAGE_NAME.jl
site_description: Description...
site_author:      USER_NAME

theme: readthedocs

  - assets/Documenter.css

  - https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML
  - assets/mathjaxhelper.js

  - extra
  - tables
  - fenced_code
  - mdx_math

docs_dir: 'build'

  - Home: index.md

If you have run Documenter and it has generated a build/ directory, you can now try running mkdocs build โ€“ this should now generate the site/ directory. You should also add the docs/site/ directory into your .gitignore file, which should now look like:


This is only a basic skeleton. Read through the MkDocs documentation if you would like to know more about the available settings.

Deployment with MkDocs

To deploy MkDocs on Travis, you also need to provide additional keyword arguments to deploydocs. Your deploydocs call should look something like

    repo   = "github.com/USER_NAME/PACKAGE_NAME.jl.git",
    deps   = Deps.pip("mkdocs", "pygments", "python-markdown-math"),
    make   = () -> run(`mkdocs build`)
    target = "site"

In the example above we include the dependencies mkdocs and python-markdown-math. The former makes sure that MkDocs is installed to deploy the documentation, and the latter provides the mdx_math markdown extension to exploit MathJax rendering of latex equations in markdown. Other dependencies should be included here.

$\LaTeX$: MkDocs and MathJax

To get MkDocs to display $\LaTeX$ equations correctly we need to update several of this configuration files described in the Package Guide.

docs/make.jl should add the python-markdown-math dependency to allow for equations to be rendered correctly.

# ...

    deps = Deps.pip("pygments", "mkdocs", "python-markdown-math"),
    # ...

This package should also be installed locally so that you can preview the generated documentation prior to pushing new commits to a repository.

$ pip install python-markdown-math

The docs/mkdocs.yml file must add the python-markdown-math extension, called mdx_math, as well as two MathJax JavaScript files:

# ...
  - mdx_math
  # ...

  - https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS_HTML
  - assets/mathjaxhelper.js
# ...

Final Remarks

Following this guide and adding the necessary changes to the configuration files should enable properly rendered mathematical equations within your documentation both locally and when built and deployed using the Travis built service.

PDF Output via LaTeX

LaTeX/PDF output requires the DocumenterLaTeX package to be available and loaded in make.jl with

using DocumenterLaTeX

When DocumenterLaTeX is loaded, you can set format = :latex in makedocs, and Documenter will generate a PDF version of the documentation using LaTeX.

You should also specify the sitename and authors keywords for makedocs when using the LaTeX output.