

This section of the manual describes the syntax used by Documenter to build documentation.

@docs block

Splice one or more docstrings into a document in place of the code block, i.e.


This block type is evaluated within the CurrentModule module if defined, otherwise within Main, and so each object listed in the block should be visible from that module. Undefined objects will raise warnings during documentation generation and cause the code block to be rendered in the final document unchanged.

Objects may not be listed more than once within the document. When duplicate objects are detected an error will be raised and the build process will be terminated.

To ensure that all docstrings from a module are included in the final document the modules keyword for makedocs can be set to the desired module or modules, i.e.

    modules = [Documenter],

which will cause any unlisted docstrings to raise warnings when makedocs is called. If modules is not defined then no warnings are printed, even if a document has missing docstrings.

@autodocs block

Automatically splices all docstrings from the provided modules in place of the code block. This is equivalent to manually adding all the docstrings in a @docs block.

Modules = [Foo, Bar]
Order   = [:function, :type]

The above @autodocs block adds all the docstrings found in modules Foo and Bar that refer to functions or types to the document.

Each module is added in order and so all docs from Foo will appear before those of Bar. Possible values for the Order vector are

If no Order is provided then the order listed above is used.

When a potential docstring is found in one of the listed modules, but does not match any value from Order then it will be omitted from the document. Hence Order acts as a basic filter as well as sorter.

In addition to Order, a Pages vector may be included in @autodocs to filter docstrings based on the source file in which they are defined:

Modules = [Foo]
Pages   = ["a.jl", "b.jl"]

In the above example docstrings from module Foo found in source files that end in a.jl and b.jl are included. The page order provided by Pages is also used to sort the docstrings. Note that page matching is done using the end of the provided strings and so a.jl will be matched by any source file that ends in a.jl, i.e. src/a.jl or src/foo/a.jl.

To include only the exported names from the modules listed in Modules use Private = false. In a similar way Public = false can be used to only show the unexported names. By default both of these are set to true so that all names will be shown.

Functions exported from `Foo`:

Modules = [Foo]
Private = false
Order = [:function]

Private types in module `Foo`:

Modules = [Foo]
Public = false
Order = [:type]

When more complex sorting and filtering is needed then use @docs to define it explicitly.

@ref link

Used in markdown links as the URL to tell Documenter to generate a cross-reference automatically. The text part of the link can be a docstring, header name, or GitHub PR/Issue number.

# Syntax

... [`makedocs`](@ref) ...

# Functions


... [Syntax](@ref) ...

... [#42](@ref) ...

Plain text in the "text" part of a link will either cross-reference a header, or, when it is a number preceded by a #, a GitHub issue/pull request. Text wrapped in backticks will cross-reference a docstring from a @docs block.

@refs may refer to docstrings or headers on different pages as well as the current page using the same syntax.

Note that depending on what the CurrentModule is set to, a docstring @ref may need to be prefixed by the module which defines it.

Duplicate Headers

In some cases a document may contain multiple headers with the same name, but on different pages or of different levels. To allow @ref to cross-reference a duplicate header it must be given a name as in the following example

# [Header](@id my_custom_header_name)


## Header

... [Custom Header](@ref my_custom_header_name) ...

The link that wraps the named header is removed in the final document. The text for a named @ref ... does not need to match the header that it references. Named @ref ...s may refer to headers on different pages in the same way as unnamed ones do.

Duplicate docstring references do not occur since splicing the same docstring into a document more than once is disallowed.

Named doc @refs

Docstring @refs can also be "named" in a similar way to headers as shown in the Duplicate Headers section above. For example

module Mod

Both of the following references point to `g` found in module `Main.Other`:

  * [`Main.Other.g`](@ref)
  * [`g`](@ref Main.Other.g)

f(args...) = # ...


This can be useful to avoid having to write fully qualified names for references that are not imported into the current module, or when the text displayed in the link is used to add additional meaning to the surrounding text, such as

Use [`for i = 1:10 ...`](@ref for) to loop over all the numbers from 1 to 10.

Named doc @refs should be used sparingly since writing unqualified names may, in some cases, make it difficult to tell which function is being referred to in a particular docstring if there happen to be several modules that provide definitions with the same name.

@meta block

This block type is used to define metadata key/value pairs that can be used elsewhere in the page. Currently recognised keys:


CurrentModule = FooBar
DocTestSetup  = quote
    using MyPackage
DocTestFilters = [r"Stacktrace:[\s\S]+"]
EditURL = "link/to/source/file"

Note that @meta blocks are always evaluated in Main.

@index block

Generates a list of links to docstrings that have been spliced into a document. Valid settings are Pages, Modules, and Order. For example:

Pages   = [""]
Modules = [Foo, Bar]
Order   = [:function, :type]

When Pages or Modules are not provided then all pages or modules are included. Order defaults to

[:module, :constant, :type, :function, :macro]

if not specified. Order and Modules behave the same way as in @autodocs blocks and filter out docstrings that do not match one of the modules or categories specified.

Note that the values assigned to Pages, Modules, and Order may be any valid Julia code and thus can be something more complex that an array literal if required, i.e.

Pages = map(file -> joinpath("man", file), readdir("man"))

It should be noted though that in this case Pages may not be sorted in the order that is expected by the user. Try to stick to array literals as much as possible.

@contents block

Generates a nested list of links to document sections. Valid settings are Pages and Depth.

Pages = [""]
Depth = 5

As with @index if Pages is not provided then all pages are included. The default Depth value is 2.

@example block

Evaluates the code block and inserts the result into the final document along with the original source code.

a = 1
b = 2
a + b

The above @example block will splice the following into the final document

a = 1
b = 2
a + b


Leading and trailing newlines are removed from the rendered code blocks. Trailing whitespace on each line is also removed.

Hiding Source Code

Code blocks may have some content that does not need to be displayed in the final document. # hide comments can be appended to lines that should not be rendered, i.e.

import Random # hide
Random.seed!(1) # hide
A = rand(3, 3)
b = [1, 2, 3]
A \ b

Note that appending # hide to every line in an @example block will result in the block being hidden in the rendered document. The results block will still be rendered though. @setup blocks are a convenient shorthand for hiding an entire block, including the output.

stdout and stderr

The Julia output streams are redirected to the results block when evaluating @example blocks in the same way as when running doctest code blocks.

nothing Results

When the @example block evaluates to nothing then the second block is not displayed. Only the source code block will be shown in the rendered document. Note that if any output from either stdout or stderr is captured then the results block will be displayed even if nothing is returned.

Named @example Blocks

By default @example blocks are run in their own anonymous Modules to avoid side-effects between blocks. To share the same module between different blocks on a page the @example can be named with the following syntax

```@example 1
a = 1

```@example 1

The name can be any text, not just integers as in the example above, i.e. @example foo.

Named @example blocks can be useful when generating documentation that requires intermediate explanation or multimedia such as plots as illustrated in the following example

First we define some functions

```@example 1
using PyPlot # hide
f(x) = sin(2x) + 1
g(x) = cos(x) - x

and then we plot `f` over the interval from ``-π`` to ``π``

```@example 1
x = linspace(-π, π)
plot(x, f(x), color = "red")
savefig("f-plot.svg"); nothing # hide


and then we do the same with `g`

```@example 1
plot(x, g(x), color = "blue")
savefig("g-plot.svg"); nothing # hide


Note that @example blocks are evaluated within the directory of build where the file will be rendered . This means than in the above example savefig will output the .svg files into that directory. This allows the images to be easily referenced without needing to worry about relative paths.

@example blocks automatically define ans which, as in the Julia REPL, is bound to the value of the last evaluated expression. This can be useful in situations such as the following one where where binding the object returned by plot to a named variable would look out of place in the final rendered documentation:

using Gadfly # hide
plot([sin, x -> 2sin(x) + x], -2π, 2π)
draw(SVG("plot.svg", 6inch, 4inch), ans); nothing # hide


Delayed Execution of @example Blocks

@example blocks accept a keyword argument continued which can be set to true or false (defaults to false). When continued = true the execution of the code is delayed until the next continued = false@example-block. This is needed for example when the expression in a block is not complete. Example:

```@example half-loop; continued = true
for i in 1:3
    j = i^2
Some text explaining what we should do with `j`
```@example half-loop

Here the first block is not complete – the loop is missing the end. Thus, by setting continued = true here we delay the evaluation of the first block, until we reach the second block. A block with continued = true does not have any output.

@repl block

These are similar to @example blocks, but adds a julia> prompt before each toplevel expression. ; and # hide syntax may be used in @repl blocks in the same way as in the Julia REPL and @example blocks.

a = 1
b = 2
a + b

will generate

julia> a = 1

julia> b = 2

julia> a + b

Named @repl <name> blocks behave in the same way as named @example <name> blocks.

@setup <name> block

These are similar to @example blocks, but both the input and output are hidden from the final document. This can be convenient if there are several lines of setup code that need to be hidden.


Unlike @example and @repl blocks, @setup requires a <name> attribute to associate it with downstream @example <name> and @repl <name> blocks.

```@setup abc
using RDatasets
using DataFrames
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")

```@example abc

@eval block

Evaluates the contents of the block and inserts the resulting value into the final document.

In the following example we use the PyPlot package to generate a plot and display it in the final document.

using PyPlot

x = linspace(-π, π)
y = sin(x)

plot(x, y, color = "red")



Note that each @eval block evaluates its contents within a separate module. When evaluating each block the present working directory, pwd, is set to the directory in build where the file will be written to.

Also, instead of returning nothing in the example above we could have returned a new Markdown.MD object through Markdown.parse. This can be more appropriate when the filename is not known until evaluation of the block itself.


In most cases @example is preferred over @eval. Just like in normal Julia code where eval should be only be considered as a last resort, @eval should be treated in the same way.

@raw <format> block

Allows code to be inserted into the final document verbatim. E.g. to insert custom HTML or LaTeX code into the output.

The format argument is mandatory and Documenter uses it to determine whether a particular block should be copied over to the output or not. Currently supported formats are html and latex, used by the respective writers. A @raw block whose format is not recognized is usually ignored, so it is possible to have a raw block for each output format without the blocks being duplicated in the output.

The following example shows how SVG code with custom styling can be included into documents using the @raw block.

```@raw html
<svg style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;" width="5em" heigth="5em">
	<circle cx="2.5em" cy="2.5em" r="2em" stroke="black" stroke-width=".1em" fill="red" />

It will show up as follows, with code having been copied over verbatim to the HTML file.